Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 80 : CNY Night

It's the last day of the year of the horse, and we are entering the goat year very soon, in just a blink of an eye. How's this year been, everyone? I hope every each of you have a good time the whole year, but if this horse year hadn't been good, then do not dismay. There's always another year to a new beginning.

I am gonna go to the temple right after this, seeing the closure ceremony of the horse year. There's gonna be the Fu Lu Shou performance after the mass pray. For you who haven't known what Fu Lu Shou is, here's a little bit of informations for you:

Fu Lu Shou is commonly used in Chinese culture to denote the three attributes of a good life.
This concept of the Chinese traditional religion is thought to date back to the Ming Dynasty, when the Fu Star, Lu Star and Shou Star were considered to be personified deities of these attributes respectively.

Fu means Prosperity
Usually is depicted in sholar's dress, holding a scroll, on which is sometimes written the character "Fu". He may also be seen holding a child, or surrounded by children.

Lu means Status
Usually depicted in the dress of a mandarin.

Shou means Longevity
Usually is shown smiling and friendly, and he may sometimes be carrying a gourd filled with Elixir of Life.

Looking forward to seeing the three deities performance soon. 
Talk to you tomorrow, on the first day of the goat year, everyone! :)


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