Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Jaman dahulu kala, saya senantiasa bermimpi bahwa suatu hari nanti saya akan mengunjungi Disneyland di seluruh dunia. Dan impian itu baru saja tercapai di tahun 2013, the first Disneyland that I've ever visited was in Paris! Truly like a dream came true karena Disneyland Hongkong pun saya belum pernah berkunjung, but I got the chance to visit Paris. And I thanked God for this! was truly an amazing experience going to the Disneyland for the first time. Seeing all our childhood disney characters came into life, walking around the park in reality and waving to us. Disana pula kita bisa berfoto-foto ria dengan tokoh kesukaan kita. Mine is definitely the legendary Mickey Mouse, but too bad I got no chance to take picture with Mickey Mouse. 

This year last July, I got the second chance to visit another Disneyland in Anaheim California. Beside Disneyland, I also visited California Adventure Park for the second day. I got the chance to see the fireworks and the amazing Disney World of colors. What a great experience it had been. I would really really love to repeat all those fun again. Someday.
Both the Disneyland and California Adventure Park are AMAZING!! 
Disneyland is just the happiest place on earth! Tempat dimana kita bisa mengenang masa-masa muda, when life was way much easier then it is right now, tempat dimana kita bisa melupakan sejenak kesibukan dan kepenatan kita, dan juga tempat dimana kita sesekali serasa kembali ke jaman muda lagi, jaman dimana pada hari minggu pagi kita duduk manis di depan TV menunggu munculnya film Doraemon, Hercules, Xena the Warrior Princess, Ksatria Baja Hitam, dan kawan-kawannya. Kalau anda seangkatan dengan saya, pasti anda tau semua judul2 diatas hehehe....Kalau tidak it means I'm way older than you guys Lol! 

Benar sekali kadang saya merasa kehidupan ini berlalu cepat sekali. Pada saat saya ingin kehidupan berjalan cepat, it happened to be so slow. Seperti pada saat masa-masa kita menghadapi ujian sekolah, I wish schooling life to be over soon so that I can go to the college soon. Happened the same way when I was in college I wish that 4 year can pass very soon. 
Well...they were all gone now. Am I happy right now?
Well...It's a YES! I am happy to be where I am right now. But somehow I wish to experience all those sweet memories again. 
Pada saat inilah aku teringat kata Mama jaman dahulu kala "Nak, masa-masa sekolah ini masa paling indah lho. Nikmatilah. Cuma sekali aja ga ada dua kali." 

Tapi saya merasa bahwa kehidupan memiliki fasenya sendiri2. There's a time for everything, and there's a chance for everyone. I try to cherish everyday because I believe everyday is a new beginning. Apapun yang kita alami di hari sebelumnya, baik itu sedih atau bahagia, sial atau beruntung, putus cinta atau bahkan jatuh cinta, we can always start everything new for the next day. The decision is all on us.
Wiseman said "cherish all the small things in life cos one day you might turned back and saw all those things are the big things." 
So...I decided long time ago to always embrace life and love it for no matter what happened. Afterall, life is all about ups and downs, isn't it?
Keep moving on and remember that you can always visit the happiest place on earth to reminiscing our childhood life, Disneyland!:)

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