Friday, November 12, 2010

Mega Mind

2 days ago I was watching this Mega Mind movie with my other 3 friends.
I always love cartoon since it will release all the tenses, & create relaxing athmosphere.
Here comes the moral points from this movie:

1.We will never know how much the value of a person until they're gone.
-Yes, it's very true. Be good to your folks as you never know how precious they are until you lose them.
2. There's always a yin to a yang.
-For every bad thing you do, there will be a good thing to neutralize it.
3.Don't judge a book from its cover.
Sometimes you have to take a closer look before you judge someone.
4.It's fine to make mistakes as long as you learn something from your mistakes.
Well, this is just so true.

Afterall, it's a worth watching movie ^^
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

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