Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Book of Life

Imagine our life as a book, then we have the freedom to choose whatever we want to make out of our book. Whether we want to make is as the best seller or not, happy ending or sad ending, thick or thin, big or small, eye catching or not, low profile or high profile, et cetera. It is ourselves who take control of our own book.

The book will always contains of front cover, contents, and back cover. The front cover is about the day we were born, the back cover would be the day we would die, and the contents between the front and the back cover would be the story of the days we live our life every now and then.

I wonder if I have been living in this life for around 27 years old, I assume at least few chapters had been written, since I don't know how many chapters Im gonna write. I had been thru a lot of things eg; happiness,sadness,brightness,sorrow etc in each and every phase of life. Like the wheel that will always turning, there were always ups and downs during the journey. Life is about connecting the dots. One thing leads to another things. Therefore, in the end, I will always get the reason behind everything. As far as I concern and remember, the reason were always for the better applied for every case.

There were those days of funny kindergartens, cheeky elementary school, geeky junior high school, sociable high school life, tough university life, and challenging post university life, which is the day I live on now. I am so grateful for everything that had passed by that making me into who I am today.

There are still so many chapters of life that is still blur and still in working process, but afterall all I can feel of writing is the chapters full of hope, love,faith,and dreams. I am surely a dreamer. At least, I am dreaming that the yellow cover book with striped off-white paper which I write using brilliant rose diamond pen will make a best-seller one day.
I hope you all gonna buy my book as soon as it is published. ^^

Your beloved writer,
Miss S

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