Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 57: Power of a Prayer

Best thing of the day:

Having 'me' time at my fave spot in my room,  reading this new book about a Moslem traveler, got her wish fulfilled to travel around Europe while finishing her study in Holland, which she got from the scholarship.

It was all began when she sold her only property, to pay for her and her father pilgrimage journey. During this time, she prayed to Allah to be given miracles to be able to study in Holland so that she can traveling around Europe. Obviously, God listened to her prayer. Her scholarship application was approved and that was how the journey began.

Just like what my friend told me today,

"Kita tidak akan pernah tahu usaha keberapa yang akan berhasil, seperti kita tidak tahu doa mana yang akan dikabulkan.Keduanya perbanyaklah."

What a wise advise it is.

Afterall, I always believe the power of a prayer.

By reading this book, I am so looking forward to visiting another part of the Europe continent.

One day. I will. *pray* :)


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