Friday, December 12, 2014

Day 12: When Mike Finally Met Sulley

Joke of the day:

We are planning for a Christmas Party on a blackberry group:

S: Aku isa tanggal 23. Ada yg bs tgl 23 ngga??
Silentt for a while
S: Tingtong...Tingtong...kok diem semuaa
T: Aku isaa kok tgl 23. Sil, tingtong dimana?
F: Aku ya isa kok tgl 23.
S: Yang laine gimana? Tingtong
F: Sill....tingtong dimana tempate?
S: Lho...tingtong aku ketik dewek lah...bukan kayak ping!
F: Silllllllllvanaaaaa!!!! Aku sampe sempat google lho tingtong di blackberry dimana tempate.
S: Lol

This is so funnyy that made me laughing in the middle of working. 

The best part of the day was the time I spared for making Sulley's nanoblock so that Mike and Sulley finally being able to reunited again. Awww #bestfriends

Alright guys...let's sleep and get ready for a happy weekend! Lalalala :)


Sent from Samsung Mobile

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