Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Art of Thin Slicing

Have you ever been in a situation when you just met someone and you just know right away that you guys gonna make good companions or you just met someone and you just don't feel comfortable to be around them? You can't explain why but you just know something is wrong and you just don't want to be associated with them? It's called as gut-feeling. 

This is what the "Blink" book is all about: snap judgement and thin-slicing. Everyday we are exposed with thousand of information, which by then stored in our mind both consciously and subconsciously. Just imagine how much information we have stored during our lifetime.

When we are faced in a situation to make a quick decision or judgement, a small part of our brain located right behind our nose (ventromedial), picks up the neccessary information and help us determining the right judgement. Can you imagine how useful this thing is? Sometimes we just cannot afford the time, money or effort for data gathering in such short period.

But what if our snap judgement proved to be wrong? There's a theory called "The Warren Harding Error". Warren Harding is America's 29th President (1921-1923).  He was elected more about his good looks instead of his leading ability. It wasn't until his death in 1923 (caused by stroke), people found out all the corruption and marital scandals during his terms. Warren Harding is voted as America's worst president in the history.

Somehow this reminds me of the last president election happened last July between the 2 candidates. Little did I know about any real information about the candidates. I only got the information from the newspaper, social media articles and also word of mouths informations from many friends and families.
However, I chose the one which appear better in my eyes. I know that in political field, image can be made and faked. However, for certain thing I just believe in my snap-judgement.
I wish that I made the right decision on this.

I believe we made this Warren Harding error so many times. Sometimes, someone who appear to be unattractive at the first place can be so much amusing by the time we get to know them better, or someone who we thought very nice turned out to be mean when facing the difficult situation.
The more we get to know different kind of people, the more experiece of thin-slicing and snap judgement ability we will have. It's good for us. Imho.

I know that it's not the right thing to judge a book by its cover, but a cover suppose to be the only indicator of what the book is all about, isn't it? Hahaha confusing, isn't it?
Anyway, let's just believe in our inner voice. The only voice that matters in the end.

Good night, Peeps! Happy Tuesday for tomorrow...oops...today! :)


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