Sunday, November 30, 2014

Let's Do Kaizen

I believe one small step can change our life!

Aku teringat cerita temanku pada saat SMP dulu. Dia cerita kalo dulunya adalah seorang pemalas. Tidak mau belajar, tidak mau mengerjakan PR, kerjaannya main melulu kalo pulang sekolah, sampai sering dimarahi orang tuanya, tapi orang tuanya sudah tidak bisa apa-apa lagi.

Kemudian suatu hari, dia dipanggil oleh gurunya pada saat pulang sekolah. 
Gurunya mengatakan padanya:
"Hen, kamu itu pinter lho. Coba kamu belajar lebih rajin pasti kamu bisa berprestasi. Kasian lho orang tuamu susah payah cari uang untuk menyelolahkanmu, tapi kamu malas-malasan." 

Karena perkataan gurunya itu atau karena ada angin tertentu lewat, dia benar-benar tersentak hatinya hari itu. Sejak saat itu dia mengambil keputusan untuk belajar lebih rajin. And, as a result, dia menjadi salah satu teman SMP ku yang berprestasi. One of the top 3 di sekolahku dulu. Entah gimana kabar dia sekarang. I hope he's doing great! 

Surprisingly, one small decision can give dramatic changes to a person, and they will never be the same again. 


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Christmas Wishlist

Lookkk!! How cute they are!! Loving the mouse handbag from Patricia Chang for Barboletta! Would love to but 1 in dark grey. 

Should I buy this for Christmas present for myself? I'll just think about it! Too many wishlists but too limited account. Lol


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I Can't Believe My Eyes

I've dance alone a thousand times
To songs that no one else could even hear
I've reached into the flame of love
I couldn't hold it and it disappeared
I've lived to learn to hate the blues
I've lived with everything but you

I can't believe my eyes 
I see you here
Lookin just the way you should Ooh
I can't believe my eyes

I've felt the empty hands of time
As they were stealin' all my life away
I've heard the silence deep inside
Waiting for words that lovers could not say
You turn a little into stone
With ev'ry day you live alone

I can't believe my eyes 
I see you here
Lookin' just the way you should Ooh
So good, it's too good to be be true
I've lived my life to be lyin' here with you

Still, when I see you
I can't believe my eyes 

I see yoy here 
Lookin' just the way you should Ooh
So good, it's too good to be true
I've lived my life to be lyin' here with you Ooh

Still, when I see you
I can't believe my eyes

-Air Supply-

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Farewell November

The other day I walked around TP with my friend, and passing Victoria Secret's store. Suddenly remember that I forgot to wear my Jo Malone parfume that day, so I turned around and entered the store.

I randomly picked any parfume and sprayed it once onto my shirt. I didn't even remember what the name of the parfume was since I didn't expect much on the parfume. 

However, it came to my surprise that the scent was incredibly nice and invigorating, so I got back again to the store only to check the bottle. 

After that day, I still managed to get back again twice to the store just to get a couple of sprays onto my shirt to make sure that I really like the scent. Lol.

Now, I'm thinking to buy this 'Euy So Sexy' parfume as a Christmas gift for myself. 
They say there would be promotions on December, so I'm looking forward until December to buy it. 

December is just only two days away. It's always been my favorite month besides May. I strongly believe that it's gonna be a great December. Yayy :)


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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Angelmon Bride

I feel so lucky these days. Things happened better than expected, that makes me feel skeptical that it happened for real. Somehow when too much of good things happened into my life, I would questioning myself...."Is it for real?", "Do I deserve it?" etc...I personally not sure that all good things could come together in a row.
But then I think of a quote saying "Mama always said that life is like a box of chocolate, you will never know what you're gonna get". 
Yes...I believe we will never know what life might throw us into. So, I will just enjoy the ride and expecting more good things to come by. I do believe in miracles and I hope miracles believe in me too. *crossing fingers*

Tonight was my bestfriend, Linda's bridal shower. She is gonna walking down the aisle next coming wednesday. Nothing is happier than looking at your bestfriend in her total happy look. 
By the way, look at her face! It was half demon and half angel face theme painting. It was awfully painted by us that makes her look more like a cat than an angel or a demon. Lol
Anyway, I couldn't be more happy for her and so looking forward to attending her party. 


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Friday, November 28, 2014

Four Memorable Years

Having a nostalgic moment inside this building this afternoon. 

A building where I spent my 4 years of studying International Business Management, which is a major full of presentations, homeworks, and projects

A building where I met great lecturers and great friends, with whom I spent most of those 4 years almost together all the time, of course since there were only around 50 of us. 

A building where I used to experience many ups and downs. I remembered one time doing summary for my writing class during the 2nd semester. Having done it until 7 pages, and all of sudden my computer experienced an error and all of the data was gone in a blink. It has made me cry and staying up until 2 am in the morning to re-summarize again.
But I also remember that I love to hangout at the student lounge with the other friends, either for studying, making homework, or just for joking around with friends. 
Appaprently, so many things happened in this building, I remember more on the happy parts rather the sad parts. 

Obviously, it's a place that I will always remember. My beloved campus, Petra Christian University. :)


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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Good People

It's amazing to notice the differences between each and everyone we met. 

Some people tend to be very mean, selfish, hard to be understood, difficult to handle, unfriendly, untrustworthy, talk too much, easily make promises, etc.

On the other hand, it's good to know there are still good people out there. 
People who are friendly, talk less, demand less, never asking too much, understanding, and always have the intention to help.

It's rare meeting these people nowadays. Lucky me, that I am randomly surrounded by this kind of people, the ones I found during working which required me to meet a lot of people out there that somehow surprise me that these kind of people do exist. 
The world needs more of these kind of people since I believe that good people bring out the good in people too.

Happy Thursday, everyone! I have a meeting schedule at my university today. It's gonna be a nostalgic moment. Yay! :)


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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Yes, I Will!

I will enjoy my coffee time with friends.

I will cherish any deals in business, be it small or big.

I will enjoy the time of being lazy and just doing nothing at all. 

I will enjoy the feeling of a happy heart when I travel to a place I've never been before. A feeling of dream that comes into reality. 

I will enjoy being friends with someone who is totally different with me. I believe that each of everyone is here to teach us something.

I will remember the feeling when I try or do something new. Everyday is a new discovery.

I will forgive myself if I failed in doing something as long as I have tried my best.

Still forgiving myself for easily being 'eye hungry' buying small cute stuffs, that eventually gone into the trash. Lol

I will try to be happy even if I'm lost and don't know what to do. There will be a WAY eventually. Been into it for so many times. 

I will remember the feeling of success. a feeling that boost our confidence level  up.

But also to remember the feeling of failure too at the same time. A feeling that keeps us humble and put our feet down.

I will forgive myself for all the silly things I've done. People say that we never really grown up. There's still a child figure in everyone. Agreeable?!

I will contemplate the feeling of a broken heart. It has taught a lot of lessons that school never taught. I believe when it's not meant to, it will never be. 

I will enjoy driving the same route and doing the same things, and eating the same foods over and over again right now, for things might change in a blink and there's no more opportunity to do the same thing again.

I will enjoy laughing and giggling and sharing updates with Mom and bestfriends. 

and for now...I will just enjoying my multi tasking idle time of reading a newspaper in the middle of chatting with friends, watching 'Suits', and still managed to post this blog up. Hahahaha.

Alright then. I gotta back to Suits now.
Good night and talk to you later.


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Monday, November 24, 2014

Which Green Are You?

It's becoming most people's habit to see and feel that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. I can't deny that I somehow also belong to this group. But actually each shade is as of each person's preferences, right? We cannot compare lime green and grass green color. They both are beautiful and GREEN.

Same green, but different audience with different preferences can make different perception and judgment.

Check these several conversations about the issue:

A: I think this orange T-shirt look good on you.
B: No, I like yellow better. They suit my skin better. 
C: No, blue is the best color for this suit.

A: My hair falls easily as I get older, especially after giving birth.
B: No, your hair still look thick. It's thicker compared to mine obviously!
A: What?! Noo...tonight, I looked at your hair and feeling envious 'cos you got a lot of hair and they are thick.
B: Really? Woww...Thank you!

A: I do not feel good enough.
B: What?! I always think that you are someone who has got wide knowledge. I feel that you know about a lot of things, compared to me.
A: Really? Woww...It's the best compliment of the day. Thank you.

I believe life could be way much simpler if we just be proud of our own shades without comparing to other colors that we don't possess. We are already unique on our own. Let's just flaunt our original color and polish it regularly so that the color won't get vanished over the time. Happy preserving and be proud with our own special green-ish, the best green that we possibly can get!:)


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Been a jazzy weekend. 2 hari terakhir ini lihat Jazz Traffic Festival, yaitu acara Jazz tahunan kota Surabaya yang diadakan di Grand City Mall.

Kemarin sempat lihat Yovie&Nuno,
Dr and the Professor, Petra Sihombing, dan Tulus. Hari ini datang untuk lihat Raisa, Indra Lesmana, Dewa Budjana, Bubugiri dan Afgan. Masih banyak yang mau aku lihat sih, cuma sayang sekali udah kemaleman. I wish weekend got 3 days instead of 2, so I would have got the chance to see the performance of Barry Likumahua & Krakatau. 

Kemarin baru tau ada lagu judulnya 'Gajah', yang dinyanyikan oleh Tulus. Lama-lama didengerin enak juga nih lagu. Gosipnya si Tulus pacaran ama Raisa. Tadi liat Raisa, cantikk banget! What a perfect couple they are!

Hari ini bener-bener padat acara. Dari pagi pergi makan dimsum bersama teman lama yang mau balik ke kotanya, dilanjutkan dengan ngafe bersama saudara yang datang dari luar negeri, langsung joss nonton jazz. What a happy life I'm living. Berjuang dan berusaha di hari kerja dan berseneng-senang secara maksimal pada saat malam minggu to make work life balanced. Afterall, that's the essence of life, isn't it? 

That's it for my weekend update. Besok siap-siap bekerja kembali sambil menunggu weekend yang akan kembali lagi dengan cepat, just like a blink of an eye. 
Selamat malam, saudara-saudariku...Sampai bertemu kembali! :)


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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Breathing Happiness

Today had been a very busy day. Started the day at 8 am, juggling between office and meeting 3 customers, meanwhile there were still so many tasks needed to be done at the office. Such a hard day, but so thankful that everything turned good at the end of the day. 

The happiest part of the day was going to Elly's birthday party at La Rucolla. It was a small, intimate party full of laughters and jokes, only the 5 of us. It's becoming rare to meeting up with close friends nowadays, thus it is a privillage when the chance comes up. 

Today has been a good day to start the weekend. Feeling so happyy that tomorrow is saturday, a day when I don't have to set up an alarm in the morning. And not forgetting that tomorrow is Jazz Traffic day, a yearly Jazz show in town featuring many wellknown musician accross the cities. yippiee \^^/ I breathe happiness! 


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Thursday, November 20, 2014


I always believe that miracles do exist. And miracles can happen from many sources of conductor. It can come from a layer or even multiple layers. I also believe in what so called blessings in disguise because I just believe that everything happens for a reason, just like the red string of fate, which always connect us to events, which make thing happens the way they should happen.

I always thank Buddha to all the good things that already happened to me, is happening to me, and will happen to me. I hope to always have a thankful heart and a humble attitude, always.

I feel that I am truly blessed, thus I wish that I can become a blessing to others too in return. Sadhu...Sadhu...Sadhu...


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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Blessed Tuesday

Heyloh! Back to me again...It's been a happy tuesday. The fuel price hikes up yet surprisingly the JCI bullish to almost 1% (0.96%). Meaning there would be profit gained after this. Looking forward for JCI to continuing bullish. :)

Today got another blessings. Whenever there's hope, there's a way, as long as we keep on trying and moving, and keep on having faith in mind. Everyday is always been a new beginning and we will never know what a day can brings. It's all depends on us on how we facing this life. I wish to always facing life positively. 

And by the way today I just get a new information about the symbols on a toothpaste tube. 
See the back of your toothpaste tube, on below part there would be a small rectangle varies into 4 colors. Here's the meaning of each color:

-Green  : Natural
-Blue.   : Natural and medical
-Red     : Natural and chemical
-Black  : Chemical

The best one should be the green one, but rarely has the market got this. I personally using the black color, but I will be more selective in choosing my next toothpaste right after this. 

Alright then, time to sleep and getting ready to embrace a happy wednesday. Good night, pals! :)


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Monday, November 17, 2014

Oh No!

Hii guys! How was your monday? 
Mine was good. Aku merasa sangat produktif hari ini. Sempat ke kantor polisi, makan siang keluar bersama teman, dan pergi melayat sebentar, but overall it wasn't a wasted monday. 

Big news for today! Setelah tertunda sekian lama, karena Presiden kita yang mengikuti konferensi ke mancanegara, akhirnya kenaikan BBM diumumkan juga oleh Presiden Jokowi sendiri. Kenaikan ini efektif per tanggal 18 November 2014.

Premium naik menjadi Rp.8.500,- dan solar naik menjadi Rp.7.500,-. Wah untung banget tadi sudah sempat isi bensin full hihihi. 

Barusan ada nasabah yang message, tanya apa yang harus dilakukan dengan portfolio nya karena BBM naik dan apa dampaknya. my opinion this is what's gonna happen when the petrol goes up:

1.Inflasi naik. 
Harga barang-barang bakalan lebih mahal nih. 

2.Suku bunga naik
Dampak inflasi adalah suku bunga yang turut menyesuaikan dengan tingkat kenaikan inflasi. Suku bunga pinjaman bank terkena imbasnya.

3.Harga obligasi turun
Harga obligasi berbanding terbalik dengan tingkat suku bunga. Kalo suku bunga naik, harga obligasi turun, and vice versa. Karena jika suku bunga naik, otomatis bonds market might appear to be less favorable.

4.Performa Emiten
Kemerosotan performa emiten yang terkait seperti misalnya yang bergerak di bidang transportasi, property, perbankan, perusahaan semen, etc. 

Banyak sekali yah dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan secara langsung.

Tetapi sebenarnya dampak kenaikan BBM ini bersifat sementara soalnya secara umum kenaikan BBM lebih banyak positif daripada negatifnya in the long run. 

Beberapa point positif yang paling nyata adalah:

Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja negara bakalan membaik. Karena pemerintah mengurangi subsidi BBM, sehingga dapat dianggarkan ke bidang lainnya yang lebih membutuhkan dan dengan demikian juga mengurangi hutang negara. 

2.Fiskal negara 
Pendapatan negara otomatis meningkat dengan adanya pengurangan subsidi.

In the long run, fundamental ekonomi pun bakal membaik dan diharapkan inflasi rendah dan stabil, sesuai dengan cita-cita negara yang merencanakan tingkat inflasi di level 3.5% by 2019. 

Wishing all the best for my beloved country! For now, I'm gonna have a good rest to face  tomorrow's challenges. 


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Dreamy Balloon

Just watched 'Big Hero6' a couple days ago. I am so much inspired with Baymax figure, the balloon guy which is designed to detect any slight hurts in human being, which eventually becoming Hiro's partner with the other 4 friends to do a revenge upon Hiro's brother death. 

I would like to have a balloon buddy, just like Baymax. A figure who can solve all my problems, with whom I just can talk about everything, and a buddy I would hang out with and becoming the centre of attention anytime I walk with him. Lol! I know it's just a silly wish, but maybe Disney could capture this as a big opportunity, as I believe many of us would like to have Baymax in each of their houses. Anyone agrees with me on this?! have you been doing? 
My weekend was great. Hangout with friends and feeling so tired as soon as I got home thus I didn't feel like blogging yesterday. 

Today was also a good day. Self indulgement day! My friend's parents brought me and family Nasi Welly from Sidoarjo and brought it to Atom. Been a while didn't eat it and today I happen to eat it again. Tasted so good. It has made my day. Thank you #exbabembuah :)


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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Le Couple's Wishes

Yesterday, I suddenly missed listening to an old song I used to listen a lot back in high school. A song by Emi Fujita, also known as Le Couple. I remembered singing this song on stage during a talent show competition in high school. I didn't win, but I made it to a big 5. Thanks to this song to make the memory stays. :)

Wishes-Le Couple

I looked in the sky and there I saw a star shining so bright above
I closed my eyes and wished upon the star that I would fine true love
Someone who needed me
Someone to share my life
For a love that would be true
I would wait forever how long it may be
I will be waiting
One star-brighter than the others
Two Hearts-beating for each other
I believe wishes really come true
Love at first sight I knew it from the moment when you said hello
I hoped you felt it too, but we both so shy-how was I to know
when you reached for my hand
I knew you were the one
We laughed and talked for hours like I'd known you forever
Like...a...dream or something from a book
True love had found me
One star-brighter than the others
Two Hearts-beating for each other
Noe I see wishes really come true
You just have to dream
Nothing's as bad as it seems
to be...believe me
Someone's waiting for you to try
There in the sky
One star-brighter than the others
Two Hearts-beating for each other
You will see wishes really come true
You can't stop believing-wishes do come true
You gotta believe me (wish on a star) wishes do come true...


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Saturday, November 15, 2014


Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, yang namanya baby shower, visiting newborn baby, attending kids birthday party, mulai menjadi acara rutin dalam social calenderku.

Oleh karena itu, aku mulai akrab dengan yang namanya emas. Karena kado yang paling sering diberikan adalah perhiasan emas. Selain pilihan modelnya banyak dan lucu-lucu, emas juga bisa dipakai sehari-hari, dan yang paling penting adalah karena emas bisa dijual sewaktu-waktu.

And so it comes to my surprise, karena pergerakan harga emas di pasaran sangatlah fluktuatif.
Kira-kira 2 bulan yang lalu, harga emas sekitar 300 ribuan, baru-baru ini menjadi 400 ribuan. Banyak banget yah naiknya, padahal cuma dalam hitungan bulan saja.

Akupun berusaha mencari tahu, apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pergerakan harga emas.
And here's the result of my research:

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pergerakan harga emas adalah sebagai berikut:

1.Kenaikan inflasi
Jika inflasi melebihi dari yg diperkirakan, harga emas naik (biasanya berbanding terbalik dengan kurs)

2.Kepanikan finansial
Kalo ada kepanikan financial spt krisis tahun 1998 & 2008, publik lebih suka berinvestasi di emas.

3. Kenaikan harga minyak
Biasanya kenaikan harga minyak juga mempengaruhi kenaikan harga emas.

4. Permintaan terhadap emas naik.
Sesuai dengan hukum supply and demand.

5.Kondisi politik dunia
Jika politik memanas, publik lbh suka berinvestasi di emas, karena kurs biasanya menjadi fluktuatif.

Teorinya adalah membeli pada saat harga murah, but when it comes to buying a present, meskipun harganya mahal pun, terpaksa kita beli.

Kalo untuk berinvestasi, lebih baik kita membeli dalam bentuk LM (logam mulia dalam bentuk koin) dibandingkan dalam bentuk perhiasan. Karena LM lebih likuid dan harganya pun mengikuti harga pasar.

I wish to collect a massive quantity of LM and to sell them when the gold market price hikes. A millionaire in the making I am....
Let's just sleep on it and make it happen soon. Lol!
Good night and have a nice weekend, everyone! What are you up to? I have a best friend's birthday brunch to attend tomorrow! So can't wait! I'll talk to you soon:)


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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday Always Goes Wrong With Grey

A friend texting me after seeing my picture on a friend's instagram:

F: Hari ini jadwal seragam seng paleng elek ya?
Me: Iya...kok inget kamu. Hari ini warna seng paleng elek..
F: Inget lah. Abu-abu kayak Ibu2 PNS warnane. Come on lah Sil ga ada seng protes tah?
Me: Ya apa lagi. Tuntutan pekerjaan.
F: Bilango pimpinanmu ada nasabah protes keras.
Me: Lol

Yes, today I wore an ugly uniform meeting a few of my high school buddies. A happy me in a terrible outfit. Definitely a good day to remember. :)

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Something Elephaney

Today's been another mundane day. The highlight of the day was just the presents from my customer who just got back from the US, and I just get myself a new book, The Miracle of Endorphin, by Dr.Shigeo Haruyama. Lately really into reading health books. 

And...another good thing is that I just found a bracelet in the drawer, which has almost been forgotten for a while. It is a bracelet made from the tail hair of elephants. 

For centuries, African mythology has believed that the elephant forms connection betweeen heaven and earth. Thus, whoever wears this bracelet will be blessed with love, health, prosperity, and progress. 

Shall I believe it or not? 
Hmm...I guess since I have it, then I should believe it. It feels good to believe in good things. :)


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Delicious Ambiguity

I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity...-Gilda Radner 

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Art of Thin Slicing

Have you ever been in a situation when you just met someone and you just know right away that you guys gonna make good companions or you just met someone and you just don't feel comfortable to be around them? You can't explain why but you just know something is wrong and you just don't want to be associated with them? It's called as gut-feeling. 

This is what the "Blink" book is all about: snap judgement and thin-slicing. Everyday we are exposed with thousand of information, which by then stored in our mind both consciously and subconsciously. Just imagine how much information we have stored during our lifetime.

When we are faced in a situation to make a quick decision or judgement, a small part of our brain located right behind our nose (ventromedial), picks up the neccessary information and help us determining the right judgement. Can you imagine how useful this thing is? Sometimes we just cannot afford the time, money or effort for data gathering in such short period.

But what if our snap judgement proved to be wrong? There's a theory called "The Warren Harding Error". Warren Harding is America's 29th President (1921-1923).  He was elected more about his good looks instead of his leading ability. It wasn't until his death in 1923 (caused by stroke), people found out all the corruption and marital scandals during his terms. Warren Harding is voted as America's worst president in the history.

Somehow this reminds me of the last president election happened last July between the 2 candidates. Little did I know about any real information about the candidates. I only got the information from the newspaper, social media articles and also word of mouths informations from many friends and families.
However, I chose the one which appear better in my eyes. I know that in political field, image can be made and faked. However, for certain thing I just believe in my snap-judgement.
I wish that I made the right decision on this.

I believe we made this Warren Harding error so many times. Sometimes, someone who appear to be unattractive at the first place can be so much amusing by the time we get to know them better, or someone who we thought very nice turned out to be mean when facing the difficult situation.
The more we get to know different kind of people, the more experiece of thin-slicing and snap judgement ability we will have. It's good for us. Imho.

I know that it's not the right thing to judge a book by its cover, but a cover suppose to be the only indicator of what the book is all about, isn't it? Hahaha confusing, isn't it?
Anyway, let's just believe in our inner voice. The only voice that matters in the end.

Good night, Peeps! Happy Tuesday for! :)


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Monday, November 10, 2014


Heard this song for so many times, but just got to know the title tonight. Thanks to Sound Hound for this!:)


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Sunday Movie Night

It's sunday movie kinda night. Just finished watching 2 movies. "The Fault in Our Stars", the one I been wanted to watch since last June and "Sex Tape", the one I wanted to watch while I was in LA, I finally finished them all tonight.

"The Fault in Our Stars", a movie based on a best selling book written by John Green has been very touching.

A love story between a 16-year old girl, Hazel Grace Lancester who suffered from the tyrrhoid spreading to lung cancer with a 18-year old boy, Augustus Waters, who amputated one of his leg because of cancer, which finally spreading to his upper part of the body.
They meet each other while attending the support group, and so they starting to hangout together and they agreed to read each others' favorite novel. "An Imperial Affliction" has been Hazel's favorite novel, a story about a girl who suffered from Cancer paralled to Hazel's experience. They find the ending was frustating and so they write to the author, Peter Van Houten who had migrated to Amsterdam and hadn't been heard ever since. Hazel wrote to him for many times with no response, while Gus luckily got replied by his assistance, Lidewij who finally invited them to Amsterdam to discuss about the book. The meeting didn't go well, but they shared a romantic journey in there.
As soon as they got back, Gus invited Isaac, his best friend and Hazel to his pre-funeral, where they deliver their eulogies they prepared. Gus died eight days later, at his funeral, Hazel is astonished to find Van Houten in attendance. He tells her he maintained correspondence with Gus after Amsterdam and Gus demanded he attend his funeral to make up for the spoiled trip. He tells Hazel that his novel is based on the experiences of Houten's daughter Anna, who died of cancer at a young age. He gives Hazel a piece of paper. Hazel, still upset with his behavior in Amsterdam, crumples up the paper, and asks him to leave. Later, while talking to Isaac, Hazel learns that Gus has asked Houten to help him write his eulogy. She retieves the crumpled paper and read Gus's words, which state his existance of death and his love for Hazel.

These are the several quotes from the movie I recall:

"Pain demands to be felt. Without pain how could we know te joy?"

"Some poeple don't understand the promises they're making when they make them"

"You have a choice in this world, I believe, about how to tell sad stories, and we made the funny choice."

"Living our best life today"

"You gave me a forever within the numbered days. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity"

Such a sad yet sweet story, isn't it? I cried a bucket watching this.
They have everything, except good health. While on the other hand, we posses our good health, but often complaining about so many things.
This movie simply teach us about being grateful with our already fulfilling life. Another highly recommeded movie to watch! Prepare your tissues!:)


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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Extraordinary Mike

Yay I made my first nano block! It's Mike, the Monster University. 

Capek bener bikin nanoblock ini. Butuh kesabaran dan ketelitian tingkat tinggi untuk menata kepingan-kepingan block yang super kecill. Tadi sempat salah ditengah-tengah, hingga akhirnya harus menata lagi dari awal. Eughh... Tapi senang juga setelah jadi lho..serasa merasakan kesuksesan setelah habis bekerja keras. Huahahaha pardon my lebayness! 

By the way, can you spot something odd from Mike's eye? Yes, the top eye area is green instead of white. Entah kenapa, hitungan block putihnya tidak pas tadi, sehingga kuganti warna hijau. Tapi untung saja tidak keliatan, kan? It's the extraordinary Mike with different eye color...Hihihii
Now, I'm thinking to buy Sullivan to be Mike's friend. buy or not to buy? I'll think about it! 

Btw...happy weekend, everyone! :)


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Watched Fei Yu Qing charity concert at Grand City with my family tonight.

Saw a lot of my friends' parents, but not any of my friends I saw. Lol
Not really a surprise actually, because Fei Yu Qing is a Taiwanese ballad singer and also Asia's most famous evergreen singer in the 70s, therefore all the audiences was most likely coming from this era. Despite the fact that it was not a modern with up to date nowadays pop songs live  concert, and very less of the song lists I knew,  but I was enjoying the concert from the beginning until the end.

Everyone is happy and apparently it's a good day to welcome a saturday.

NB: Today happens to be my bestfriends birthday. Loving our more than a decade of friendship. #anong #chumi Xx


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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Let's Do Some Exercise

Just got this from a friend, and I feel a bit guilty of not exercising tonight. I chose watching OUIJA instead of exercising. But tomorrow will definitely hit the gym. It'a payback time! 

Feeling tired these past few days. Got a test need to be passed within this week and still feeling pity for a customer who got stroke attack just few days ago. 

Hoping things to turn better by tomorrow. And Yes, I choose to be happy tomorrow. 
A less happier me is going to sleep now to turn into much happier me by the time I wake up.
Good night, everyone!


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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wisegirl Wannabe

Setuju sekali dengan kutipan diatas. Aku percaya bahwa esensi kehidupan adalah untuk terus hidup terlepas apapun yang terjadi didalamnya.

Saat bahagia berusaha untuk bersyukur dan menikmati kebahagiaan sepenuhnya dan disaat bersedih berusaha untuk tetap bertahan dan tetap bersyukur. Karena niscaya kesedihan itu adalah pelajaran yang mendewasakan kita, dimana pada akhirnya segala sesuatunya akan menjadi lebih baik.

Bagaikan pelangi yang menghiasi langit setelah hujan deras, kebahagiaan juga akan menghampiri kita setelah kita mampu bertahan didalam kesusahan hidup, dan pada akhirnya segala sesuatu adalah sebuah pilihan. Aku memilih untuk tetap hidup, banyak tertawa, dan tetap melangkah terlepas apapun yang terjadi dalam kehidupan ini.


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Monday, November 3, 2014

Creme de la Creme Michelin

The Michelin Star restaurants. They always sound classy and pricey, and have the common similarities eg.located at a creme de la creme areas, serving molecular gastromoy meals, and comes in tiny portions.

There are so many Michelin Stars restaurants throughout 23 countries all over the world, which vary from 1-Star to 3-Star Restaurant. The star symbols judge only what's on the plate, meaning the quality of products, the mastering of flavors, mastering of cooking, personality of the cuisine, value for the money and the consistency of what the restaurant offers to its customers both throughout the menu and the year. 

One star indicates a very good restaurant in its category, offering cuisine prepared to a consistently high standard.

Two stars denote excellent cuisine, skillfully and carefully crafted dishes of outstanding quality.

Three stars reward exceptional cuisine where diners eat extremely well. Distinctive dishes are precisely executed, using superlative ingredients.

Michelin restaurants whose name I regularly heard are those as of Alain Ducasse, Peter Luger, The Fat Duck, Joel Robuchon, Gordon Ramsay, Ryugin, Mastro's and Nobu but I have no idea of the exact number of stars they earned.

I heard that the restaurant inspector from michelin star has been working endlessly to check their stability in maintaining or even if they want to upgrade their rank, for example from one star to two stars or from two stars to three Michelin Stars. Some of the restaurants unfortunately have been downgraded or even closed because of the difficulties in maintaining the high standard of Michelin Stars. Such a prestige and full of pressure award at the same time it is. 

I experienced eating at a very few of the Michelin Star restaurants. Looking forward for the chance to experience more of them. 


Happy Mushroom

Guys, ada yang pernah cobain happy mushroom ngga? Itu lho jamur yang kalo dimakan bisa kasih efek pengen tertawa terus selama beberapa jam. Sejenis drug sih, cuma ngga ada efek sampingnya. Katanya sihh, gatau lagi.
Waktu ke Bali beberapa taon lalu bareng temen-temen yang pada suka clubbing, mereka sempat nawarin buat cobain happy mushroom, cuma ngga ada keberanian coba karena mikir kalo itu sejenis drug, jadi takutt kalo nanti abis makan ga sadarkan diri terus ga bisa pulang kan berabe hahahaha...
Meskipun aku liat sendiri mereka udah pada makan dan situasi masih aman terkendali, tetep aja tidak ada keberanian...coward me!

And soo...beberapa taon setelah itu berlalu, ngga pernah sekalipun terpikir untuk cobain jamur ajaib ini, up until todayy I finally tried on this magic mushroom. Here's how the story goes:

Percakapan pagi hari di Bali bersama boss melalui blackberry messenger karena kita tidak semobil:

J: Loe hari ini ga kudu ngguyu terus tah?
S: Hahh? Ngga ih lapo ngguya-ngguyu..
J: Iling2en loe tadi makan apa?
S: Hmm...Babi guling toh..
J: sebelume itu apa?
S: Martabak seng kamu kasih itu toh..
J: Martabak e itu ada campurane "jamur"
S: Asemm! Kok isa mosok ada martabak jualan "jamur"?
J: Ya beli dewek jamure terus nyuruu orange martabak nyampuri...sampe orange ngguya-ngguyu. Makae tadi aku semobil ambe kalian mau inspeksi efek e ya apa..
S: Licik loe yah...makae kok cek apike isuk2 nggetu nawari

That's the story of how I tried my first magic mushroom.
It doesn't work for me nor anyone else who tried the martabak.
Cuma sih katanya jamurnya kurang banyak campurannya, karena mahal, 1 bungkus isi beberapa biji costs him 125k, jadi dia cuma beli 1 bungkus aja. Biasanya kalo dimakan langsung keliatan efeknya, karena ini dijadikan campuran martabak dan dalam kuantitas kecil, maka efeknya tidak jelas cos we obviously didn't feel something strange happened.
Sia-sia deh pengorbanan boss ku. Uang melayang, efek nihil. Lol.
What goes around comes around, karena kita semua pada rencana untuk ngerjain boss kita satu ini.
Looking forward for a good day to do a revenge. Lol


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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hello From Bali

Hello from Bali....
Happy 1st of November, everyone!
It's the beginning of the month and am feeling happy cos I'm having a short getaway to Bali with office buddies. Holiday always makes me feel good and recharged. 
Everything went perfectly today. Getting up by 3 am in the morning but still feeling energized the whole day, unlike the urge of going to work and starting the day. Lol.

We enjoyed a portion of sop kepala ikan Cakjul as soon as we arrived, continued with trying Gusto ice cream. I found new tastes of ice cream eg. Sweet basil, dragon fruit, chilli chocolate, avocado, banana etc. A sweet palate always makes a happy heart. :) 

Later on, when everybody went for the water sport activities, I went to touring de hotels since I don't like doing water sports. I went to Mulia Resort and St.Regis, the ones I really wanted to go the last time I went here, but didn't get the chance to. And today I made it. Yay...Finally! 

The journey continued when I got back to Finns Beach Club to picking up everyone and to watching sunset while having dinner at Jimbaran afterwards. 

Right now, I just got back from clubbing at Hypnotized just now. It's been agess since the last time I went to a club. Do not really like going to clubs, but doing it once in a while is quite fun, somehow. 

Alright now, that's it for now. I'm very sleepy that I think I will fall asleep anytime soon.
So, I'll talk to you soon. :)


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