Thursday, September 27, 2012

Que Sera Sera

Do what you love and love what you do. That's just so classic, though it's not that easy when it comes to the daily practices.

Do you always love what you do? Have you ever for the slightest chance feel some kind of regrets of not doing what you love instead of doing what you can't say no of not doing it?

Sometimes, in life you have to learn to say no instead of yes for the things you don't favor, 'cos at the end of the day, you just can't satisfy everybody. If someone is happy, it means someone else is unhappy on the other side, and vice versa. So if you can't make everybody happy, why don't we just make ourselves happy?
If not us, who else will, isn't it?
This thing...I still learn!

Been a while, yet many events had happened, both happy and sad.
A friend just celebrated her 31st birthday yesterday, 3 friends just given birth, while a dear friend just undergone a miscarriage. Feeling so sorry for her. I'm just wishing her the best recovery that she can get, and looking forward to hearing the happy news again very soon. By that time, I hope it's gonna be a very smooth sailing.

I remember a saying that we want is not always the best for us, that when we failed in getting it, it is actually for the best. I believe things happened for a reason, that we don't get it now. But sometime later when we wake up we probably gonna say something like this: "Thank God, I didn't get it, cos if I did, then I will never....."

Afterall, I believe the wheel keeps turning, that makes everyday, that comes and goes, different from one time to another. But, until what we don't know what may comes next, all I can say is just....
Que sera sera!

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